Leader Board

Quest Highlights

Start: 335 2nd Ave. NE (Beach Dr. Parking lot next to Musuem of History.)

End: Same as Start

Distance: 2.0 miles

Time: 2.5 - 3 hours 

Challenges: 17

Bonuses: 3

Additional Cost: None

Points of Interest

Museum of History
Straub Park 
North Yacht Basin
Historic Renaissance Hotel
Downtown Historic Monuments

Welcome to St. Petersburg, Fla... a city where the sun's rays kiss the pink flamingos and its other happy residents over 360 days a year. 

Your St. Petersburg amazing scavenger hunt adventure will start along the bay and take you on a game route that explores scenic parks, outdoor art, historic hotels and other hidden gems of the city. Have fun as you learn the city's rich history and lively art scene.

So grab your sunglasses and put on a bit of sunscreen as you discover one of the best things to do in St. Petersburg...Play the Game, See the Sights, and Experience St Petersburg, Fla., in a whole new way!

$49 Purchase IT
(for a team of 2-5 people)