Family owned and operated, the Urban Adventure Quest team runs around the country, and some day... the world, creating interactive scavenger hunt tours in popular urban locales.
"We have as much fun making these games as you will have playing them." The UAQ Team
As fans of the T.V. show, Amazing Race, we always wanted to take part in this type of adventure, but couldn't take the time off from our "real jobs" to do so. Wouldn't it be great, we thought, if there was a way to experience the excitement and adventure of the Amazing Race in just one day?
While there were many one-day Amazing Race-type events happening in cities around the U.S., you had to be in a particular city, on a particular day, or you missed out. There really was nothing that offered the same excitement while providing the flexibility of playing on your schedule. And so we created Urban Adventure Quest.
To create fun and unique scavenger hunt city tours that have the flexibility to be played on our customer's schedule.

Urban Adventure Quest Customer Service
805-603-5620 7 am to 3 pm PACIFIC STANDARD TIME.
Outside of business hours contact us via email at
For Group Sales, call 805-603-5620, ext. 3
Group Sales is closed on major U.S. holidays.